Happy Birthday to Brimming (and me!)

Hi, hello, I know... Are we still allowed to blog in these weird times? I've been struggling with what to write here these past ten weeks. It's not like we need more noise about this virus or opinion pieces as to why this is so hard. I went back and forth as to with whether... Continue Reading →

Anyone Know How to Write a Second Book? Asking for Me.

How does one write a second book exactly? Non-rhetorical. It seems that I operate on a cycle of making babies every two years, some in human form and some in book form. Now my second child is here and we've found a sorta groove, I have that second book knocking on my brain. But, I'm... Continue Reading →

Life & Loss: A Balancing Act

Christmas 2019 was my first with two kids. My baby's first christmas. It was also my beloved grandmother's last. She passed away on Christmas night. I cherished my grandmother. She saw me and knew me in a way no one else did. As a small child, I was painfully shy and being around other adults... Continue Reading →

2009-2019: From Wishing to Working

2009: I'm 25. I'm two years away from finishing my graduate degree in Social Work. I'm a year away from getting married. Six years away from having my first son. And countless soul-searching breakdowns away from figuring out why I am so dreadfully unhappy. I spend a lot of my time crying. A lot of... Continue Reading →

Bad Blogger Award: Seven posts in 2019(?!?)

Wow. Did I really only post SEVEN times this year?!? I never wanted to be that person who started a blog and just let it disappear without explanation. But, man, did life demand my attention in 2019. So, what happened to my dedicated blogging? Short answer? Pregnancy, 4-year-old, book baby, human baby. Pregnancy This second... Continue Reading →

How NaNoWriMo Made Me A Better Writer

I am a HUGE fan of National Novel Writing Month, aka NaNoWriMo. Not only does it include an uplifting community and serve as a charming and satisfying way to kick off the holiday season, but I've become a better writer every time I've participated. Alas, it's not in the stars for me this year, as... Continue Reading →

How To Edit That First Draft – 6 Tips for Aspiring Authors

If you’re struggling with starting your revisions, know that it is absolutely possible to go from crying over your computer at a coffeeshop at the start of your revisions (me), to doing a little dance in your chair at how well it’s all coming together (also me).

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