Life & Loss: A Balancing Act

Christmas 2019 was my first with two kids. My baby's first christmas. It was also my beloved grandmother's last. She passed away on Christmas night. I cherished my grandmother. She saw me and knew me in a way no one else did. As a small child, I was painfully shy and being around other adults... Continue Reading →

2009-2019: From Wishing to Working

2009: I'm 25. I'm two years away from finishing my graduate degree in Social Work. I'm a year away from getting married. Six years away from having my first son. And countless soul-searching breakdowns away from figuring out why I am so dreadfully unhappy. I spend a lot of my time crying. A lot of... Continue Reading →

Bad Blogger Award: Seven posts in 2019(?!?)

Wow. Did I really only post SEVEN times this year?!? I never wanted to be that person who started a blog and just let it disappear without explanation. But, man, did life demand my attention in 2019. So, what happened to my dedicated blogging? Short answer? Pregnancy, 4-year-old, book baby, human baby. Pregnancy This second... Continue Reading →

I Will Follow You Into The Light: My PPD Award Thank You Speech

Embarking on this challenge of writing out and sharing my postpartum depression journey here has been the ultimate exercise in vulnerability. I didn't think I would ever in my life write on these topics, and now I'm not sure I will ever stop writing about these topics (I mean, in general. Don't worry, Brimming will... Continue Reading →

When It’s Really Not Baby Blues (Because It’s Definitely Postpartum Depression)

It was "only baby blues". I was "only moody". I was "only sleep-deprived" and "only hormonal". I was blind to the obvious, I refused to see the truth. The truth, that is only so vivid in retrospect, that I had postpartum depression. You see, I had my misconceptions about it. I had seen it egregiously... Continue Reading →

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